Water Isn’t What You Think It Is: The Fourth Phase of Water by Gerald Pollack

Regarding swelling, the second issue under consideration, osmosis evidently plays a role. Since the cell is packed with negatively charged proteins, the cytoplasm should generate an osmotic draw similar to the osmotic draw generated by diapers or gels. Physiologists know that it does.

A peculiar feature of cells, however, is their relatively modest water content. Compared to 20:1 or higher for many common gels, the cell’s water-to-solids ratio is only about 2:1. The many negatively charged macromolecules of the cell should generate a strong osmotic draw; yet the water content in the cell remains surprisingly low. That limited water content may come as a consequence of the macromolecular network’s stiffness: cellular networks typically comprise tubular or multi-stranded biopolymers tightly cross-linked to one another. The resultant stiffness prevents the network from expanding to its full osmotic potential.

If those cross-links were to disrupt, however, then the full power of osmotic draw would take effect; the tissue could then build many EZ layers and therefore hydrate massively, bringing huge expansion (Figure 5). That’s what happens when body tissues are injured, especially with dislocations. The injury disrupts fibrous macromolecules and cross-links, eliminating the restraining forces that keep osmosis at bay; EZ buildup can then proceed virtually unimpeded.

The reason why swelling can be so impressive is that the cross-link disruption occurs progressively. Breaking one cross-link results in higher stress on neighboring cross-links; so disruption progresses in a zipper-like fashion. When that happens, the osmotic rush of water into the tissue can continue practically without restraint, resulting in the enormous immediate swelling that is often seen. The tissue will return to normal only when cross-links repair and the matrix returns to its normally restraining configuration.

Water and Healing

During childhood illness, grandmothers and doctors will often advise: “drink more water.” In his now-classical book, sub-titled Your Body’s Many Cries for WaterYou Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty, the Iranian physician Fereydoon Batmanghelidj confirms the wisdom of this quaint advice. The author documents years of clinical practice showing reversal of diverse pathologies simply by drinking more water. Hydration is critical.

Batmanghelidj’s experience meshes with evidence of healing from special waters such as those from the Ganges and Lourdes. Those waters most often come from deep underground springs or from glacial melt. Spring waters experience pressure from above; pressure converts liquid water into EZ water because of EZ water’s higher density. So, spring water’s healing quality may arise not only from its mineral content but also from its relatively high EZ content.

The same for mountain water: it too should have high EZ content. Our studies have shown that ice formation requires an EZ intermediate; i.e., bulk water does not convert directly to ice; it converts to EZ, which then converts to ice. Similarly for melting: melting ice forms EZ, which subsequently converts to bulk water. Fresh ice melt contains abundant EZ water.

For spring water and fresh ice melt, then, the high EZ content may explain the recognized health benefits. EZ water should rehydrate tissues better than ordinary water because of its higher dipole moment. To appreciate this argument, picture a bean with positive charge localized at one end, negative at the other. The positive end of that dipole orients toward the negatively charged cell, which then strongly draws in that dipole. The larger the dipole, the stronger will be the draw. Since EZs contain masses of separated charges, or large dipoles, EZ water should hydrate cells better than ordinary water. That’s why EZ water may particularly promote good health.

Negative Charge and Anti-Oxidants

Humans are considered neutral, but I suggest that we bear net negative charge.

Physical chemists reasonably presume that all systems tend toward neutrality because positive charge attracts negative charge. The human body being one of those “systems,” we assume that the body must be neutral.

Not all systems are neutral, however. The earth bears net negative charge, while the atmosphere bears net positive charge. Water itself can bear charge: Anyone watching MIT professor Walter Lewin’s stunning demonstration of the Kelvin water dropper, where separated bodies of water eventually discharge onto one another, will immediately see that bodies of water can bear net charge. If any doubt remains, then the experience of getting an electric shock from touching certain kinds of drinking water (which my colleagues and I have personally experienced) should eliminate that doubt.

Charges can remain separated if input energy keeps them separated — something like recharging your cell phone battery and creating separated negative and positive terminals. Since we constantly absorb external energy from the environment, the theoretical possibility exists that we may bear net charge.

Consider the arithmetic. Cells make up some 60% of your body’s mass, and they are negatively charged. Extracellular tissues such as collagen and elastin are next in line, and those proteins bear negative charge and adsorb negatively charged EZ water. Only some of the smaller compartments are positively charged with protons (low pH), and they commonly expel: urine, gastrointestinal system; sweat, and expired air (containing hydrated CO2 or carbonic acid). They help rid the body of positive charge.

So, the arithmetic shows not only that our body bears net negative charge, but also that the body makes every effort to maintain that negativity by ridding itself of protons. It is as though maintaining negativity is a “goal” of life. Plants do it easily: they connect directly to the negatively charged earth; animals need to struggle a bit more to maintain their body’s charge, in exchange for greater mobility.

How does our body’s negative charge relate to the benefits of anti-oxidants?

Answering this question returns us to basic chemistry. Recall that “reduction” is the gain of electrons, while “oxidation” means electron loss. Oxidation strips molecules of their negative charge, working against the body’s attempt to maintain high negativity. To guard against that loss we employ anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants may keep us healthy simply by maintaining proper negativity.

The Future

Water’s centrality for health is nothing new, but it has been progressively forgotten. With the various sciences laying emphasis [on] molecular, atomic, and even sub-atomic approaches, we have lost sight of what happens when the pieces come together to form the larger entity. The whole may indeed exceed the sum of its parts. 99% of those parts are water molecules. To think that 99% of our molecules merely bathe the “more important” molecules of life ignores centuries of evidence to the contrary. Water plays a central role in all features of life.

Until recently, the understanding of water’s properties has been constrained by the common misconception that water has three phases. We now know it has four. Taking into account this fourth phase allows many of water’s “anomalies” to vanish: those anomalies turn into predictable features. Water becomes more understandable, and so do entities made largely of water, such as oceans, clouds, and human beings.

Various hour-long talks describe these fresh understandings. One of them is a University of Washington public award lecture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVBEwn6iWOo  [Water, Energy and Life: Fresh Views From the Water’s Edge]. Another was delivered more recently http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnGCMQ8TJ_g [Electrically Structured Water, Part 1]. A third is a recent TEDx talk http://youtu.be/i-T7tCMUDXU [The Fourth Phase of Water: Dr. Gerald Pollack at TEDxGuelphU].

A much fuller, well-referenced understanding of these phenomena and more appears in the above-mentioned new book, The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor <www.ebnerandsons.com>.

The insights described above arose out of a departure from mainstream science. They were gleaned mainly from simple observations and logical interpretations. I have purposefully ignored the “generally accepted,” with some skepticism that all accepted principles are necessarily valid. I believe this skepticism has brought us a long way.

For the full PDF version of the compendium issue where this article appears, visit Compendium Volume 2 Number 2 January 2019 r.1

Jack Barakitis

My 25 year professional career spans a diverse range of engineering backgrounds in the technology sector. The last twelve years I have been dedicated in research and development of sustainable technologies.